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Security of purchases

Your personal data is carefully protected. All transmitted data is protected against intrusions by third parties, which guarantees you worry-free and uninterrupted business operations. You pay for the ordered products at the time of purchase, ordered goods are delivered by courier to the address you specify at the time of purchase. The security of online payments is guaranteed by payment service providers.


Protection of personal data

We will never misuse your personal data in any way.

We will never pass on your contact and personal information to a third party, unless required by law.

We may pass on your contact and personal data to a third party if you have consented to contact you (access statement).

We will never send you emails that you have not opted-in to, except in the case of important transactional emails.

You can quickly and easily unsubscribe from any of our emails at any time.


Collection and processing of personal data

Personal data is information that identifies you: your name, surname, email or regular address. The company Reklamca, d.o.o. does not collect your personal information, except when you enable it, i.e. when you order products or when you subscribe to our e-newsletters.


Use and dissemination of personal data

The company Reklamca, d.o.o. will use your personal data solely for technical reasons of website administration, to provide you with access to certain information or to communicate with you in general. The company Reklamca, d.o.o. will not transfer your personal data to a third party or market it elsewhere, unless you expressly allow the transfer of data to a third party. The employees of the online store are obliged to respect your confidential data and are bound by the data confidentiality agreement.


Automatic recording of information (non-personal data)

With each access to the website, general, non-personal data (users of the web search engine, number of visits, average time on the website, pages visited) is automatically recorded (not as part of the application). We use this information to measure the appeal of our website and to improve its content and usability. Your data is not subject to further processing and is not forwarded to a third party.



Cookies are invisible documents that are temporarily stored on your hard drive and enable our site to recognize your computer the next time you visit the website. uses cookies exclusively to collect information related to the use of our website.



The company Reklamca, d.o.o. makes great efforts to ensure the security of personal data. Your information is protected against loss, destruction, falsification, manipulation and unauthorized access or disclosure at all times.



The company Reklamca, d.o.o. strongly recommends all parents and guardians to teach their children about safe and responsible handling of personal data on the Internet. Minors may not transfer personal data to the website without the permission of their parents or guardians. will never knowingly collect personal data of minors or use or pass it on to a third party in any way without their permission.


The right to information

If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy or how we handle your personal information, please contact our company.



Email address:


Based on your request, we will immediately notify you in writing and in accordance with applicable law, which personal data, if any, was collected during your visit to the website.


Any changes to our privacy policy will be posted in this privacy statement.

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